Floomly Spark


'Catch People Doing Things Right' has always been one my favourite leadership messages. I first heard it in the best selling leadership book; The One Minute Manager.

However this article in my Flipboard magazine helped me understand it even more. The key word in that message is 'doing'!

Have a read of the article and you will see how praising results can have a negative effect and that it is the effort and work put into the achievement that we should be praising.

SO... "Catch People DOING Things Right!!"

The article is headed: Want to Be An Exceptional Leader?  Check it out here in my BE Fantastic Flipboard Magazine...

View my Flipboard Magazine.

Floomly Spark

About Floomly Spark -

Hi i'm alan and I'm the author of 4 best selling books, international speaker and radical revolutionary in all things FANTASTIC - I'm a a passionate believer that good is not enough anymore - in life, in work and in business - my sign off is simple: Have fun and BE Fantastic!!