Floomly Spark


We all need to take the fly test in our lives. How does it work?

Well imagine it's a sunny day and you’re in the kitchen with the back door open. A fly flies into your kitchen and as it buzzes around, it sees through the window – blue sky, trees and grass. That’s what I’m looking for it thinks, and heads straight for it.

But the window is closed - SMACK! It must be quite a shock. However, the fly seems to recover quite well and continues buzzing around until again, it sees through the window – blue sky, trees and grass and SMACK! They don’t learn too well these flies. In fact it will carry on doing this for hours if you let it.

The fly is repeating a behaviour that is getting it nowhere. If only it would just go in a different direction, it would get where it wants to go – the back door is open! 

That’s what I call the fly test – when we are repeating a behaviour that is getting us nowhere, over and over and over again. 

How many people do you know that want changes in their life but are not prepared to change anything?

People who want to stop smoking, but continue to put cigarettes in their mouth. People who want to lose weight, but continue to eat too much. People who want to get fit, but don’t go to the gym. People who want to save money, but continue to spend more than they earn.

Identify any behaviours that you repeat that aren't helping you to get what you want and....change them!

Remember - If you want change, change something!!

Have Fun!

Floomly Spark

About Floomly Spark -

Hi i'm alan and I'm the author of 4 best selling books, international speaker and radical revolutionary in all things FANTASTIC - I'm a a passionate believer that good is not enough anymore - in life, in work and in business - my sign off is simple: Have fun and BE Fantastic!!