Floomly Spark


Change whether you like it or not

Here is a fact no one can dispute – we live in a rapidly changing world that shows no sign of slowing down – in fact, all the indicators point to an ever-increasing speed of change.

It’s happening whether you like it or not. I do understand and share some of the concerns many people have about this, however – there is nothing we can do to stop it. Therefore we had better start to work out how to operate in this environment.

We have to be creative, and if you think you are not a creative person, then you had better start learning – quickly, because it’s the only future I can see. Individuals and companies have to have the ability to react to change fast, to have innovative and creative solutions as well as be creatively leading the field.

This isn’t just about the work place – relationships are changing, parenting is changing – everything about the way we live our lives is changing – we all have to learn to love change as much as we might have hated it in the past.
I call it the creative revolution.

Focus on solutions not problems. If you only see barriers then you won’t achieve anything – Is the problem that there isn’t enough money to do what you want, or that you haven’t yet come up with a more cost effective solution? It’s more ideas you need, not more money.

Listen – listen to your customers, your team, your friends, your kids – listen to everybody and everything. You need information – you need it to learn but you also need it to inspire your creativity. Your brain works with connections. One thought triggers another and so on. The more information you devour the more creative you will be as you spark off different things.

If you are in business, you must listen to your customers – become ‘buy’ focused not sales focused. Think a bit more about what people want to buy, rather than just what we want to sell them!

Be open minded, practice Naive Listening - I love that term. Listen naively – without knowledge or
experience because both those things, as valuable as they can be, will tend to give you a closed mind to new ideas.

Develop creative techniques that work for you to find solutions to what isn't working.

Engage people – you need others – this new world is not one that you can survive on your own – collaboration not competition is the key – find people to help you, people who understand and share your passion.

Take action – all the creativity in the world is worth nothing if you don’t have the courage to take action – remember the success/failure paradox – the more you fear failure the more likely you are to fail because you won’t take action.

Floomly Spark

About Floomly Spark -

Hi i'm alan and I'm the author of 4 best selling books, international speaker and radical revolutionary in all things FANTASTIC - I'm a a passionate believer that good is not enough anymore - in life, in work and in business - my sign off is simple: Have fun and BE Fantastic!!